WWOZ's Action Jackson sat down with Janice Kimble of the Treme Baby Dolls for
the latest Takin' It To The Streets interview. Listen in to hear her take
on why she participates in the tradition, what's so important about the Baby
Dolls, and what the Treme Baby Dolls are doin...
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Photographer and author Eric Waters talks about his new book, "Freedom's Dance," including how it all came together, and how the advent of cell phone photographers has changed second line culture and his own photography.
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Prince of Wales at Jazz Fest 2019 [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]
START Prince of Wales (3821 Annunciation). Up Annunciation to Marengo. Right
on Marengo and back Marengo to St. Charles. Right on St. Charles. Down St.
Charles to Hamp Inn (3626 St. Charles).
STOP Pick up Qu...
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