George Ingmire

George Ingmire has been working as a media producer since 1999. He holds a B.A. in anthropology and a M.F.A. in film production (with an emphasis on documentary), both from the University of New Orleans. He can be heard weekly on WWOZ (Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. CST), where he programs the "New Orleans Music Show." He is also an adjunct professor at the Tulane School of Continuing Studies in the Media Department.

Ingmire's recent works include a series of post-Katrina audio essays where he examines the impact of the storm on Mardi Gras Indians, Saint Augustine Church (one of the oldest African American churches in the U.S.) and other culture bearers throughout the city. His film work includes Think of Me First as a Person, an eight-minute documentary about a boy with Down Syndrome — one of only 25 films to be recognized by the National Film Registry (Library of Congress) in December of 2006.

Mr. Ingmire is a recipient of an Artist Fellowship from the Louisiana Division of the Arts and a Mini Grant from the New Orleans Arts Council, as well as a member of the Southern Arts Registry.



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