"Pain Perdu" or "lost bread" is a version of French toast. Traditionally, it was made with old, nearly stale (i.e. "lost") bread. Ivan Neville's version is pretty much in line with most local versions of the recipe, including the use of cinnamon and confectioners sugar. By calling for 2% milk rathr than whole milk or even half-and-half, this version is lighter than many. It's Neville's contribution to That Sounds Good, our collection of recipes collected from the New Orleans music community.
3 eggs
1/2 cup 2% milk
1-1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 cap full of vanilla extract
Ground cinnamon to taste
6 bread slices
Butter for frying
Confectioners' sugar
Syrup or honey
Whisk the eggs with the milk, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon in a bowl. Soak the bread about 1 minute per slice, turning it over to give it a good soaking.
Heat a flat pan or griddle over low heat. Add a little butter and let it melt. Place the bread in the pan. Cook until golden. Turn and cook for 1 minute. Add butter to the pan as needed.
Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Serve with syrup or honey, if desired. Serve with a glass of cold milk.
Makes 3 servings.
You can find this recipe and more like it from Louisiana musicians and other friends of WWOZ in our cookbook: That Sounds Good!